Countdown to surgery: 15 days!



I’m literally freaking out! The countdown has begun. Today is my last day of pre-sleeve eating. I’ve had just about everything I think I’ll miss, and I’m not feeling it at all! So bloated, and sick of being a slave to food, I’m ready for this surgery like yesterday!

Tomorrow I start my 2-week pre-op liquid diet. Got my protein shakes, broth and will also do some juicing. Hoping to lose about 5-10 pounds in the next 2 weeks. Mainly because I’m feeling so crappy in all my clothes right now! But also because I’m ready to start the weight loss phase of my life hopefully for the LAST TIME! Over the years, I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds over and over again. Since my teens I’ve consistently been either gaining or losing weight. I so want to know what it is like to feel comfortable in my own skin and give my metabolism a break. Years of yo-yo dieting has made me fearful that this sleeve just won’t “work” for me. I always have the best intentions and lose 20-30 pounds, but then I hit a plateau and eventually give up. I don’t sustain my losses and usually gain it all back plus one or two extra for good measure.

Could this work for me? Could I actually reach a healthy weight, lose some of this extra bulk so I’m more comfortable exercising? Maintain my losses long term? Handle the inevitable plateaus with patience? I’m learning so much of what to expect from selfless others who have posted on message forums and YouTube videos. I’m a bit of an insomniac watching these until about 1am every night! But I’m starting my countdown now. 15 days until surgery…

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